The impact of digital competitive education on improving learning levels, retaining certain physical abilities, and the accuracy of the direct free kick skill for middle school students.
Digital competitive education, learning and retention, accuracy of direct free kick skillAbstract
The research included training methods using the paired and group digital competitive learning styles to perform the direct strike phases for high school students. Based on the researcher's experience in the educational institution, it was observed that there are problems and difficulties in the educational training process, particularly related to the low level of skill learning, especially in football. This is in accordance with the reality of using methods that affect the educational and training process, in addition to the excitement and motivation for learning that these methods provide, the lack of consideration for individual differences among students, and the failure to encourage students to use mental strategies and think logically.Therefore, the researcher used paired and group digital competitive education, which contributes to addressing some of the decline in the educational level of skills, especially the direct free kick. This helps solve the scientific problem according to the paired and group methods compared to the traditional method of learning the stages of the direct free kick for the student. Additionally, the researcher used special abilities that play an effective role in performing this skill for the direct free kick for middle school students.
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